Monday, April 30, 2012

April 30, 2012 Update

According to Dr Rose's patient notes Dad was seen to day for pain in his left ear hurts and swollen.  A wick was placed in dad's left ear with ciprodex.  Dad's ear canal is swollen shut.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24th

He had his third shot this morning.  His hgb is up to 9.4 and his HCT is up to 27.9.  Both of these numbers are improving.  It’s hard to say if he has a substantial amount of improved energy.  He did go out dancing last night until 10 pm and was at the Dr.’s office at 8:30.  This is working out to be a pretty good deal for me too, as he buys me breakfast after the shot.  I can tell you he’s got a pretty good appetite… for breakfast anyway.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10th

Saw Dad this morning for his 2nd EPO shot.  His numbers were up a bit.  Just wanted to let those who were concerned about his leg know that he went dancing with Nedra last night.  He said he was out of shape and had to take a break, but they had fun.  He did say he thought his leg was getting better.

HCT - 24.5, HGB - 8.2