Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9th

Dad is in his room resting comfortably.  When Tom called, Dad was in the background making snoring noises.  Right now, Tom says they want to set up an IV and, are you sitting down?, draw some more blood.  Tom told them to take a little extra and Dad gave Tom the single-finger salute. They have a good nurse named Lyza on duty, and the shift nurse is right across the hall from Dad’s room. So should he have any complaints, he can walk across the hall.  BTW, he is in room 485. 

Just got this from Tom:  Dr. Aziz the lung doctor is going to extract the fluid in Dad’s lungs tomorrow morning, once that is done, they will do a CT of his lungs to see what, if anything is going on in there.  For the rest of the night they are just going to monitor his breathing.

Cate, I think we should let Aunt Lillian and Aunt Marge know that Dad is back in the hospital.  I don’t have their emails, but if you want me to handle it, I can if you forward me their addresses.

It sounds like everyone is one there way or close to it.  If you want to call Dad’s room the hospital number is 661-324-4647 and ask for room 485

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