Saturday, December 22, 2012

"Chuck" December 22, 2012

When I woke up today.. it was just one of those sad days..My dad has been gone for two months now.. and I was thinking..he should still be here, he wasn't ready to go. My cousin Lynne... Pan Am 103, 24 years ago, stunned at the very idea that this type of terrorism could hit so close to home. The shootings of small children in Connecticut What is happening? It turned my glum day into a bad day. Then I read a post I get every day from Whisper of God.. I was comforted... it reminded me that God doesn't always call us home, but he greets with open arms, none the less. And then came the email from my brother John... Charles Stephens (aka Chuck) had passed away. Who’s Charles Stephens, you ask? Well.. he is someone I knew only for about 6 weeks, but will remember always. He was a resident of Rosewood Care Center with my Dad. More than that however, he was funny, loving, and proposed to “every pretty girl I meet.” He gave us all wedding bands folded out of $1.00 bills. He said he thought it was likely around 40,000 (yes, you read that right) women he had proposed to, offering a hand folded ring, a smile and a twinkle in his eye. He made us all feel loved and special!

Chuck played music with Buck Owens and Merle Haggard. He loved writing songs and could make up a song on the fly about anything. He loved his guitar. But what I will remember him most fondly for was the encouragement he gave my dad during the last difficult days of physical therapy and the ‘laugh so hard I cried’ way he had of expressing his views on life. One particular day, Dad wasn’t feeling well physically, but mentally he was ready to take on the world. His therapist came to get him – and Chuck rolled into therapy with him. After putting Dad through an especially trying workout of maneuvering his legs, Dad sat back in his wheelchair exhausted. The PT asked Dad, “are you okay, Mr. Harrer?” to which Chuck came to Dad’s rescue with the response, “Well, he ain’t gonna wanna go squirrel huntin!” Well Chuck, I am comforted to know that you are up there with Dad, making him laugh and keeping him singing!! God Speed my friend. Thanks for all you shared with us. It was during some of our darkest hours that your light was bright! And we are grateful. Rest in peace! Love, All Bill’s kids!!

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