Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011 Update

We saw Trevor the PA at Dr. Nichols office. He had some interesting insights on Dad’s health issues. After describing Dad’s health status before the biopsy and his status now, he did seem to agree that the information we could have determined from the tests was not worth the procedure. His feeling is that a bone marrow biopsy is needed and the two main diseases that could be determined from that are not treatable, so why bother.

Dad’s wound is healing nicely. The HH nurse yesterday had to use the wooden end of the Q-tip to get the wicking material in. Tonight we remove the wicking material for good and see what happens. The HH nurse is scheduled for tomorrow morning and I’ll be there to see if we might be able to discontinue that service. Dad is anxious to get back to tennis and with the nurse coming M-W-F that is difficult. The PA prescribed one more week on antibiotics as insurance against another abscess.

On the anemia front, while Dad’s numbers are low, they are not catastrophic. If they do get low enough for him to have a transfusion, then a nephrologist (kidney specialist) would prescribe epoitein(?), a hormone to stimulate the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells. The PA’s feeling was that the anemia is caused by Dad’s renal insufficiency. We will monitor Dad’s Red Blood Cells and kidney functions every three months. As for future doctor visits, he has one with Dr. Chang near the end of the month. No more with Dr. Nichols (unless the wound starts acting up again) for three months.

We got to spend some time in conversation while waiting for the doctor. Dad says he is eating well. He is feeling good and wants to get back to his routine. I think he is looking forward to living and not constantly going to the doctor. He is looking forward to the Boston trip in the fall. And, as a by-the-way, feels that Boston Rob did a great job on Survivor and deserved to win the million bucks.



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