Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011 Update

I just talked to Mary. Dad is awaiting to be wheeled out of the hospital (that should only take an hour or two ;>))

Dad is being released today into Tom & Mary’s custody. He is looking good. I got to meet Dr. K and watch him clean and repack Dad’s abscess. We will have to do this once a day (although I think Tom is trying to negotiate a home-health nurse). The abscess is much improved. Dad’s original incision was 6-7” long. The current incision is about ¾” – just big enough to let the fluid out and be packed by ¼” wicking ribbon. The fluid coming out is yellow, lymphatic fluid. It could take weeks for this thing to heal completely.

Dad is stronger than he was yesterday. Tom took him around the floor and that tired him out some. He did shower himself this morning. The antibiotics have given him diarrhea even though we started him on some probiotics on day one. He is still in some pain but refuses to take morphine (even though I told him it would be helpful for the diarrhea too). The kidney doctor was in at 6:30 am so we missed him.

I am leaving for Sacramento tomorrow to see Bill and go to a horse training demonstration. I’ll be back Sunday night. I hope to give you one more update this afternoon. As always, feel free to call me at the store or on my cell.

Love you,


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