Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12th

7am:  Dad slept well.  He does that a lot.  Bill and Debbie suggested we try and forego the Lexapro on top of the Oxy to see if he can have a little more active day.  Last night he did not get a Lexapro.  On hindsight I wish I would have given him half.  Any thoughts on giving him half today, or forgoing it and see how he does?

Last week when we saw Dr. Trang and Trevor on the same day, Dr. Trang prescribed hydrocodone and then a few hours later Trevor prescribed the Oxy.  The Oxy makes him really sleepy, so this morning his pain level was about a two, I thought I would try one of the hydrocodone and see how he does.  It would be great if the Zosyn and Daptomyacin start kicking in and we can back off on the pain meds a little. We have about a two week window before he starts building a tolerance to them, so the lowest dose that keeps him comfortable is the best.  His bathroom visits last night were minimal.

Up at 9am making oatmeal (himself).  Ate well.  Says he is feeling a little better. The pain level is not too bad. The hydrocodone (I'll call it HC from now on) was prescribed at two every 4-6 hours. I gave him one at 6:30 and another after breakfast around 9:45 and it seems to alleviate the pain without making him too drowsy. During five straight he was finding the pegs okay but he said the numbers were getting smaller. Fell asleep around 10 am.

Slept til 12:30,administered both antibiotics, he had a baby muffin, and now he is in the shower.  He said his pain level is not too bad.  As soon as he gets a little more food in him, I'll give him another HC.

We put the glove over the PICC line.  He asked me to take off the Life Alert so he could wash is arm.  I did and set it on the shelf of the shower and told if he needed me just push the button.  It scared the crap out of me when it went off.  The glove had leaked and he needed help getting it off.   It worked well.  I canceled it before the operator came on.

Unfortunately he did not eat much for lunch, just that little muffin and some juice.  I gave him the HC anyway. It had been five hours since the last one.  He said it hurt a little bit and he wanted to go back to bed. It's 2:45 and he is sleeping now.

Ranae brought over a light Great Castle meal (veggie fried rice and Chinese chicken salad). Dad had about half to 3/4 plate of food, a cookie and fortune cookie. Gave tha Zosyn at 6:20. We are watching the closing ceremonies and he says he only has a little pain, level 2. His las HC was at 2:45.

Dad got out of his chair around 9:30 and made himself some hot chocolate and had a muffin. He had had a cookie about 20 minutes before. He took one more HC. I hesitated giving this to him. It had been 7 hours since the last one and his pain level was at a two. Maybe tomorrow we should consider breaking the tablets in half. Catie called and he had a good conversation with her. He held the phone himself and was able to understand her fine. He did mention that watching tv was getting a bit tougher. His eyesight is not real good. Getting ready to administer the midnight dose of Zosyn.

1 comment:

  1. Just as a side note, we did get the grab bars installed in the shower (thanks to Kevin and a good friend of his). We also got Dad a shower chair so he is not standing in the shower as well as a toilet seat that is about 6 - 8 inches elevated higher with grab bars on both side of the seat. Dad said he likes all the improvements.


Your thoughts?