Thursday, August 30, 2012

Heart Hospital Thursday Mornining

Right now they are saying they MAY not release Dad to skilled nursing because of the fluid in his abdomen. No firm decision has been made yet. Dr.   Amin just spoke to us and we continue on the Zosyn and another oral antibiotic. He did confer with Hedari.  When I asked him if Dad could be released to skilled nursing, he said that would be his recommendation but the hospitalist would make the final determination. Dad spirits are a bit lower this morning. He ate breakfast, but is a little weepy. Dad's creatinine is still 2.9

He was sleeping when I arrived he got up for breakfast and now is back to sleep.

A couple of other notes:

Don, the physical therapist came in and I hung around while he did his evaluation.  He had Dad walk around the floor, which Dad did at a good pace.  We walked by the case worker, Delphe and said hi.  Her and Don talked and it sounded like they were on board with Dad going to Rosewood.  After the walk Dad said he didn't know why but he was more fatigued today.  Don scheduled something for tomorrow although I told him it was our hope to get him to Rosewood.  Nurse Kara can be a bit officious and I tried to impress up her the fact we could lose the room at Rosewood if Dad doesn't make it there today.  I also told her if Dad needed another paracentisis I would be glad to take him as an out patient.  I think she was warming up to me.


  1. Here is your noon time update, dad's energy level is much lower than yesterday and his spirits is lower. They just took his blood pressure and it was 122/58. I asked the nurse Kara how we were doing on the move and she just said that she does not think Dad will be moving today because the x-ray they did yesterday showed "junk in his lungs". When I asked her more details she said she did not know, just that he would have to stay until it gets cleared up and that it might be pneumonia, but she was not sure. Again the final decision would be made by the Hospitalist.

    On a side note, I canceled Dads newspaper delivery and he should get a refund of about $39 in 3 - 4 weeks

    Dad was up and sitting in a Chair when I got here at 10:00, we talked for awhile, he said he asked for anti-diarrhea medication but still hasn't received any as of yet. I did talk to the nurse about it and she said dad has not made a request to her. He did get up and got cleaned up, brushing his teeth, shaving and combing his hair.

    12:15 update - Dad was just cleared to move to Rosewood. Since he is not on oxygen, we will have to transport him. But since they just started the Zosyn, he probably won't be released until After 4:00 pm. Dad is sleeping noe.

  2. One quick note, they did give dad a zyvox, an oral antibiotic today.

  3. Some Dadisms from today: while talking about shining his boots in the Marine's "I had the shiniest spit of anyone!"

    When I am taking him to the bathroom he says, " I don't like using the toilet
    (in the bathroom) because the water level is so high it gets my balls wet!"

    Dad is not moving to Rosewood today, they want to do another paracentisis before he leaves, but his platelet count is low so they are considering giving him platelets. If they give him platelets that will probably happen tonight and then do the paracentisis tomorrow. His spirits have improve from this morning and Dad and Deb are having a fun conversation about boot camp, competing for who had it worse.

  4. Dang. Sounds like he had an up-and-down day.

    Thanks for the Dadisms. Here's my favorite from the machine shop days: "Busier than cat trying to cover shit on a sidewalk"


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