Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14, 2012 Update

Dad had a real good day today.  He was up at 8:30 to get ready for his doctors appointment and only took a one nap and a couple of short 20 minute naps.  His energy level was a little low in the evening, but we had the kids and grandkids here which makes it a little hard. 

Other good news, Dad test for C-Diff came back negative.

We did see Dr Trang today who noticed a big improvement in his mood and mentioned that he could see Dad's left ear drum for the first time.  He told Dad that he would be on the antibiotics for at LEAST 6 weeks and probably longer.  Dr Trang wants to see Dad in two weeks.  His pain level was 2 almost all day, he is eating good and sleeping good.  His weight today was 167 lbs up 2 lbs from last week.

Dr Nguyen called today to check up on Dad and Tom told him that he is doing better but sleeping a lot of the time and tired a good portion of the time he is awake.  He asked Dad to come in for a Procrit (EPO) shot, which we did after Dr Trang's office visit.  This will help with his anemia and hopefully give him a little more energy.  We asked Dr Nguyen about the Lasix and he said Dad could take it (Trevor would order it for the fluid in Dad lung/abdomen as well as the swelling of his feet/ankles and Dr Nguyen would take him off of it).  Dr Nguyen also said he would prefer that we keep Dad on the Lexapro (anti-depressant) and cut back on the pain meds.  We tried putting Dad on 1/2 tablet on Hydrocondone 4 x today and he said he pain was ok.  We are hoping that the antibiotics are starting to kick in.

Dad has enjoyed his visits with Amelia, Will, Krys and Sarah.  He hasn't been able to enjoy the smaller kids too much, but it sure has helped me having the little ones here and the energy they bring.

We see Trevor at Dr Nichols office tomorrow at 1:00.

Love to all,


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