Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17th - Years, Months, Weeks, & Days

Dad is resting comfortably. No IV stand, but oxygen to make him comfortable.  I guess it's "days" now.  It did not seem that long ago and it was "years". Ah, the good old days.  We knew this was inevitable.  We knew we could not stop it.  "Years" was something we could live with, though.  "Years" was down the road apiece.  A comfortable distance we did not have to think about too often.  Even when we started to think the "years" were getting few, they were still "years".

The hardest transition for me was "months". "Months" just does not have a good ring to it at all.  Far too vague for my liking. If you're not careful your "months" could be a year.  I know that may sound contradictory, but once you get to "months" you are in trouble.  To have that trouble extend to years well, that would not be good.  "Months".  It's just too wishy-washy.  "Months" scared the crap out of me.

When "weeks" came around I was almost relieved.  Don't know why, but I kinda like "weeks". The uncertainty of "months" was behind me now. I did not seemed to mind if "weeks" went longer than a month for some reason.  It was still "weeks". And, the inevitable marched on.

Unfortunately, "weeks" did not hang around long at all. It bowed out way too early to "days" now.   Maybe that's what I liked about "weeks", it knew when to leave.

"Days", it is on you now.  How long will you stay before allowing "hours" to occupy Dad's room?  "Days", "hours", "minutes", and "seconds".  I hope you have your act together.  I'm depending on you to not muck up the whole process.  We had a pretty good run with "years".  We want to finish this strong.  We need your help.  Please "days", "hours", "minutes", and "seconds" take you cue from "weeks" - know when to bow out gracefully.  Let "inevitable" do it's work.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks John, very insightful. Years was a distant friend, wasn't he?


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