Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8th - Still Trying to Eat

Once again Dad was sitting in the dining room when I arrived at 7:10.  I went and got his ears from his room, put them on and said hello.  He had some orange juice and apple juice.  It was about 20 minutes later we got some scrambled eggs and he took a few bites.  He told me he was full on juice and I said, "You don't have to eat the eggs if you don't want to".

"No, no, I want to eat the scrambled eggs."  They stayed down for the next 90 minutes I was there.  We sat in the dining room until about 8:20 then rolled around a bit and settled in the Rose Room again looking out the big windows.  Finally he asked to go back to his room and we sat there for about 10 minutes.  When he got up to get into bed the movement seemed to unsettle his stomach and we paused for a bit before he laid back.

He was fairly quiet.  I told him that Obama was coming to town and he replied, "That's good.  He knows how to get votes."  Chuck gave him some encouragement to eat while he was battening down the hatch of what he just swallowed.  I told Chuck that Dad was watching his figure and Dad said, "If I don't, none of these pretty girls are going to want to look at me".  He also mentioned Cate was going to question me about massage and I told him I was going to write a book called Massage for Dummies.  "Good idea."  Other money making ideas, pick up the butter packs to sell to restaurants.  I don't believe I've seen anyone open one of those foil packs in weeks and yet they are on every table.  And, they put them in a place where the residents place there drinks on the table.  It's a spill hazard.  Better yet, find a way to give the residents butter in a container they can actually open.

After Dad laid down Wayne, his roommate, told me that Dad had had a fitfull night in bed.  "It sounded like he was having some bad dreams.  And, every time he moves in that bed I can hear it and I heard it alot last night."  I thanked him for the info and for keeping an eye on Dad and headed off to work.

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