Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 6th - He's So Funny

He was lying awake when I arrived.  I put the head phones on and he told me he had had a nice visit with his sister, Marge, the night before.  We talked for awhile and when I mentioned the hygienist was coming he said, "We better get going then." 

He got up used the toilet and then we put on his shorts.  We were having trouble with the button and he looked at me, sat down and pulled his shirt over the front of his pants.  "Does, that cover it?"  "Yep, that does it"

We went into the dining room.  Cate arrived a short time later and asked Dad how he was doing, "Good".

Cate said, "You always say you're doing good?"

He looked up at her and said, "Well, then, I'm doing lousy.  How's that?", as we all had a bit of a chuckle.

Chuck finished his breakfast and asked for a Danish.  The cook said, "I'll bring you one, but I'm worried about your diabetes."

"The only way my sugar will go up is if you kiss me!", was Chuck's reply. 

We sat in there for a good while after everyone had left.  It's a bigger space and warmer than his room.  He asked about the man across the table, Mr. King, "Did he eat anything?" 

"Yeah", I said, "He ate pretty well."

"Good, 'cause yesterday he couldn't keep his head up to eat."  It sounded as if he were truly concerned about him and I believe he was.

The hygenist came and set up her chair and equipment.  When she was ready, we had to move Dad from the wheel chair to the dental chair.  As he stood up to make the transfer, the decision to not button his shorts came back to haunt us.  We recovered however and Dad tolerated the cleaning very well.  We had told him to raise his hand if he needed her to stop at anytime.  She would stop and let him catch his breath from time to time.  He never once stopped her. 

He climbed into bed and Bill came in for an inspection and Dad asked if he had brought his sunglasses, "Are they too shiny for you?"  Mary Beth witnessed the exchanged and look at me and said, "He is so funny."

Yes.  Yes, he is.

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