Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Public Speaking Tips

As we look forward to our roles on Friday, I thought I might share some public speaking tips I've learned.  I would appreciate it if anyone else has any suggestions, too.

First, we're speaking because we want to, so enjoy it.  We are doing this to honor Dad.  The worst that can happen is we breakdown.  As a friend once told, "It's not like they can take your birthday away if you falter."  And, we're together.  Saturday the sun will rise and we will be here to see it.

Tell your spouse or loved one not to be offended if you don't look at them.  The natural tendency is to look to them for support, but they are the closest person that truly knows the depth of your pain.  Look at them if you must but, if you feel too much emotion welling up, check out the stranger in the back of the room running the audio equipment.  Speak to him.

When practicing, there are parts of your talk that will undoubtedly be very emotional.  They are usually not at the beginning.  Our tendency may be to practice our talk from beginning to end and try to plow through the emotional parts.  My suggestion is, at the start of your practice, read the MOST emotional part of your talk aloud first, then the third paragraph, then bounce to the end again.  This will take a lot of the emotion out of you, but not out of what you are saying.  Spend some time reading sentences out of order.  It will help you work on the inflection you were going for when you wrote it.  At the end of your practice, read it aloud from beginning to end and note where you have the most trouble and save that for the first part of your next practice.

You'll be surrounded by people who love you.

Hope this helps.  I know we will make Dad proud.

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