Friday, October 26, 2012

Tom's Eulogy - Dad's Legacy

“Hi Dad, are you coming over for Sunday Night Dinner?”
“Mary and I are going to the Elephant Bar, do you want to come along?”
“Grant has a two day Tournament this weekend down South.  The first game is at 8:30 Saturday morning.  Can you leave on Friday? “
“How would you like to spent Father's Day at Torrey Pines in San Diego watching a bunch of golfers battle for the honor of lifting the U S Open Cup?”
His answer was always “SURE”.
Those are only some of the memories I will cherish forever.
As I look back over the memories, one thing comes to my mind:  "What is Dad’s legacy?" What will he leave behind?
Out of the corner of my eye I see my sister Cathi in the dining room at Rosewood looking across at a man sitting all alone for dinner. She walks across the room, “Hi my is name Cathi, what's yours?” “Chuck”.  “Chuck, my Dad has some room at his table, would you like to join him?”  They became “Best Buddies”.
Out of another corner of my eye I see my brother Bill, walking Mary Moon, a patient we think is suffering from dementia, back to her room.  “Is this my room?”  “Yes, MARY this is your room.”  She gives out a big smile.
Another image is my brother John, he was always the first to visit Dad in morning, making sure his coffee wasn't too hot, and his scrambled eggs were cut up. I had heard of a blog, but wasn't quite sure exactly what a blog was, but oh, can the man write!  Each day we couldn't wait to read his blog about his morning visit with Dad.
Another image, it’s my brother Jim.  Just like the first couple of weeks of football practice, when Dad arrived at Rosewood it was double sessions - 30 minutes of therapy in morning and another 30 minutes in the afternoon. Jim got to know every therapist by their first name. “Come on Dad, one more for Tina.”
So his legacy is getting a little clearer to me. One of his last doctors' appointments was with Dr. Heidari.  Dad was too sick to go, but I had same questions for the doctor, so off I went.  After all the questions were answered, just as I was leaving, Dr Heidari said, “Tom I have one more thing to share with you. I can only hope I have raised my two sons in the same manner as your Dad has raised his children.”  Now, it’s perfectly clear to me the legacy my Dad will leave behind.
So as I raise my glass and toast to this kind and gentle man, that taught me so much, I know on the other side is my Mom, also raising her glass with all her friends and family, saying “Welcome home, welcome home Honey”.

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