Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22nd Brothers and Sisters

It feels weird not heading to Rosewood this morning to see the gang.  It was nice to have the light moment with Chuck.  After Catie had gone in to tell him Dad had passed, they were comforting each other.  I walked in behind Bill just in time to hear Chuck ask him how Dad was doing?

"Sorry.  We lost himthis morning Chuck", Bill said.

Chuck replied, " Aww, darn she lost her father this morning too", indicating towards Catie.

Bless her heart, Catie tried to clear things up, "No, Chuck we're brothers and sister."

Chuck look a bit confused for a moment and then announced. "Yes dear, we are all Brothers and Sisters in this world!"

I noticed before I left the room that he had a coat hanger redesigned to be his "grabber".  Not sure what hapeened to the brand-new store-bought grabber the family bought him.  I think Chuck just likes making things himself.

And, there may be some weird things that happen.  We can choose to take comfort, scratch our heads, or just ignore them I suppose.  This is one of those.  Our home phone has not rung in the middle of the night in I can't tell you how long. Of course, two mornings ago it rang about 4:15 am with Jim's call.  When it rang at 5:17 am this morning, just 25 hours later, it was a mix between deja vu and "what the hell?!"  I reached over Ranae to pick up the phone and a Hispanic voice on the other end asks, "Is Angel there?"  Stunned for a moment, but it was then I knew, yes, yes he was, I just could not put him on the phone.

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